Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Another Day in Mystic

Such pretty plantings and a white picket fence
Dogwood tree, the first one I've ever seen
Tiny roses
So much purple!
This house has a wrap-around porch and a thick planting of hostas

Lichen collection inside sealed plastic bag (with bugs too, ewww)
* * * * * * * * * * * * 

We are the only guests staying at the inn at the moment.  Innkeeper Josephine's Challah/French toast recipe with slivered almonds, chicken apple sausage, more homemade granola and a scoop of yogurt with blueberries was a good start for the day with two coffees.

I headed downtown again to the shops I missed yesterday, just for a long walk.  The sun came out and I was enthralled with late Spring plantings.  Lucky me to accompany Tien on another business trip!  I went back to the inn, to my favorite spot on the porch swing and sat for a while, then inside to watch a DVD.  Have you seen the movie, Finding Vivian Maier?  Excellent film.  I took another walk to enjoy the rest of the afternoon so I could see more beautiful houses.  Who doesn't love a wooden porch!

My recent interest in natural dyes includes color from lichen and mushrooms, which I haven't tried yet. All along my walk there was lichen on trees and stones, but I didn't dare collect without asking.  A few pieces lichen-covered bark that fell from trees was fair game.  There was lots of lichen at the inn on the low stone wall, and Josephine gave me permission to harvest.  I explained it would be used for dyeing silk when I got home.  She told me to take all I want because painters will scrape it all away in a month!  I noticed little red mites; good thing for sealable plastic bags.  Lichen makes magenta dye!  Must always give a little back:  Something dyed will def go to Josephine.

I sat outside with a cup of tea and my basketwork.  My tendonitis doesn't hurt as much, but I didn't get far because Tien returned from work.  Tien has said it's good when I come to dinner with him and his colleagues because he gets to know them better by not talking about work.  Last night it really sunk in after we had such an enjoyable dinner with Chris.

Despite the sunshine there were clouds and then a heavy downpour that lasted all of five minutes.  Dinner was at S&P Oyster Co. with Rob, Andy and Bo.  The food was okay.  We dropped Rob off at his hotel and then Tien and I took a post-meal walk to the train station.

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